Discman adalah nama yang diberikan untuk produk pertama Sony CD player portabel, D-50, yang pertama di pasaran pada tahun 1984, dan diadopsi untuk Sony CD player portabel seluruhnya. Di Jepang, semua produk Discman disebut sebagai "CD Walkman" dan nama ini diadopsi di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2000 bersama dengan didesain ulang "walkman" logo.
Salah satu Discman pertama tersedia, D121.
Sebuah CD player portabel Philips keadaan dibongkar.
Tampilan bawah menunjukkan jenis mekanisme pelacakan radial dengan sekrup penggerak.
Salah satu pemutar cd portabel terbaru yang tersedia, dengan kemampuan MP3
A Compact Disc (also known as a CD) is an optical disc used to store digital data. It was originally developed to store sound recordings exclusively, but later it also allowed the preservation of other types of data. Audio CDs have been commercially available since October 1982. In 2010, they remain the standard physical storage medium for audio.
Standard CDs have a diameter of 120 mm and can hold up to 80 minutes of uncompressed audio (700 MB of data). The Mini CD has various diameters ranging from 60 to 80 mm; they are sometimes used for CD singles or device drivers, storing up to 24 minutes of audio.
The technology was eventually adapted and expanded to encompass data storage CD-ROM, write-once audio and data storage CD-R, rewritable media CD-RW, Video Compact Discs (VCD), Super Video Compact Discs (SVCD), PhotoCD, PictureCD, CD-i, and Enhanced CD.
CD-ROMs and CD-Rs remain widely used technologies in the computer industry. The CD and its extensions are successful: in 2004, worldwide sales of CD audio, CD-ROM, and CD-R reached about 30 billion discs. By 2007, 200 billion CDs had been sold worldwide.
(a). Sony Discman D 50 (b). Sony D-50 with optional rechargeable battery station.
The D-50 was released in November 1984, marking the two-year anniversary since the CD was first mass produced. Though it was only double the width of a single CD case, the unit offered the same functionality as the CDP-101, but came without a remote and the repeat functionality of the unit. The D-50 retailed for only 49,800 yen, approximately half the cost price of the unit. The unit successfully sparked public interest in CDs, boosting their popularity, and within a year and a half the D-50 became profitable.
Because of its portable nature and similarity to the Walkman, the nickname 'Discman' was given to the D-50. This name has been used to refer to any Sony portable CD player. However, Sony has since changed the name to CD Walkman.
The readable surface of a Compact Disc includes a spiral track wound tightly enough to cause light to diffract into a full visible spectrum Media type Optical disc Encoding Various Capacity Typically up to 700 MB (up to 80 minutes audio) Read mechanism 780 nm wavelength semiconductor laser, 1200 kbps (1x) Write mechanism 1200 kbps (1x) Developed by Philips, Sony Usage Audio and data storage